Our Bike Fit program is not limited to new bike owners. With time you and your bike may go through some changes and a re-fit may be necessary. You may have advanced your skills as a cyclist, looking for more performance or changed your style of riding. Any number of factors will change how you best fit on your bicycle. We always recommend regular maintenance but often we forget that our bodies change and our fit may require adjustments or fine tuning over time as well. When you think about maintenance you should also be thinking fit, especially at the beginning of the cycling season. That is why we offer our Bike Fit program to everyone. We recommend booking an appointment with a member of our team and we will help you get the most out of your ride.
Recognizing that you can’t always make a trip to the bike shop we have put these handy guidelines together for a D.I.Y guide to perfecting your fit. The most essential rule of fitting your bicycle is that it is of the right size. Trying to make fine adjustments to a bicycle that is too large or too small will just not work. Think of Goldie Locks and the Three Bears! Don’t forget, we specialize in bike fit. If you are experiencing problems that you can’t fix just come in and see us.